Intercultural Collaboration

Understand Cultures’ Influences on Individual Perspectives and Behaviors

Course time 44 min
Understand Cultures' Influences on Individual Perspectives and Behaviors

Our cultures have profound impacts on how we communicate, behave, and approach our work. But what is culture exactly and to what extent does it change these choices? Can we define patterns of behaviors by cultural group, and where does the risk of pigeonholing people come in?

This course has answers.

Expected outcomes

How culture influences people

Typical versus marginal profiles

A greater awareness of how culture influences us, what constitutes cultural profiles, the dangers of stereotypes, and the importance of seeing colleagues as individuals

Developed by

Nigel Ewington - Intercultural Management


University of Cambridge
  • Intercultural Collaboration

Available languages

  • English
  • French
  • Brazilian Portuguese
  • German
  • Italian
  • Spanish
  • Simplified Chinese
  • Dutch
  • Turkish