Work Remotely

Set Yourself up for Success in Hybrid Working

Course time 39 min

Available in: de-DE, en-US, fr-FR

Set Yourself up for Success in Hybrid Working

What do you need to do to ensure you’ll have the self-discipline and strong connections with colleagues required to work some or all of the time at a distance from them?

This course takes you through strategies that ensure your organizational skills, mindset, and workspaces are prepped to succeed in such an environment.

What you will learn

How to deal with isolation, interruptions, demotivation, and other frequent challenges in hybrid working

Training course overview

  1. Deal with the common stressors
  2. Find your self-discipline
  3. Make workspaces productive

Learning outcomes

A set of practices that boost productivity and organization in a hybrid work environment

Developed by

Lisette Sutherland is the author of "Work Together Anywhere" (Wiley) and member of the crossKnowledge Faculty


  • Engage People Remotely

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