Lead in Uncertainty

Reframe Uncertainty

Course time 59 min

Available in: de-DE, en-US, fr-FR, nl-NL, pt-BR

Reframing Uncertainty

You often need to make decisions with incomplete information and lots of unknowns—and that might not seem so desirable nor a lot of fun.

But this course urges you to change this perspective and embrace uncertainty’s upsides. You’ll see key tools for doing so and find out how they unlock possibilities.

What you will learn

The reasons for a perspective shift on uncertainty

How to make the needed changes
and focus on the upsides of what cannot be known

Training course overview

  1. Discover the power of reframing uncertainty
  2. Explore key tools for reframing uncertainty
  3. Harness the toolset

Learning outcomes

A new mindset for taking on the unknown and unknowable
The ability to remain grounded for decision-making, innovation, and creativity

Developed by

Nathan Furr: Innovation and technology strategy - CrossKnowledge Faculty


  • Digital Transformation
  • Innovation
Susannah Harmon Furr

Harmon Furr

  • Lead in Uncertainty

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