Lead in Uncertainty

Prepare for Uncertainty

Course time 56 min

Available in: de-DE, en-US, fr-FR, nl-NL, pt-BR

Prepare for Uncertainty

How can you possibly go about preparing for things that are not known, and cannot be known?

This course shows the ideas and tools that ready us for getting started on projects and innovation so that we can move forward with creativity and leadership when facing uncertainty.

What you will learn

How to be rationally and emotionally primed for facing unknowns

How to have sources of inspiration at the ready
when you need to set things in motion

Training course overview

  1. Understand priming for uncertainty
  2. Explore key tools for priming for uncertainty
  3. Harness the toolset

Learning outcomes

A readiness to leap into action in spite of imperfect information

Developed by

Nathan Furr: Innovation and technology strategy - CrossKnowledge Faculty


  • Digital Transformation
  • Innovation
Susannah Harmon Furr

Harmon Furr

  • Lead in Uncertainty

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