Lead in Uncertainty

Navigate Uncertainty

Course time 43 min

Available in: de-DE, en-US, fr-FR, nl-NL, pt-BR

Navigating Uncertainty

What is uncertainty and why is the ability to embrace it becoming increasingly central to decision-making, leadership, innovation, and just getting through daily life?

This course unpacks what’s happening in the world around us and the key toolsets for building up our abilities as individuals and leaders.

What you will learn

Why uncertainty’s importance is increasing

The abilities needed to embrace it
and instill a team culture that is ready for it

Training course overview

  1. Discover uncertainty
  2. Build your abilities
  3. Identify individual and team opportunities

Learning outcomes

The ability to confidently and proactively take on uncertainty as a leader

Developed by

Nathan Furr: Innovation and technology strategy - CrossKnowledge Faculty


  • Digital Transformation
  • Innovation
Susannah Harmon Furr

Harmon Furr

  • Lead in Uncertainty

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