Lead with AI

Lead an AI-Ready Culture and Strategy

Course time 37 min

Developed by: Brian Spisak

Available in: de-DE, en-US, fr-FR, nl-NL, pt-BR

Lead an AI-Ready Culture and Strategy

Leadership must change in order to help our organizations evolve in an increasingly AI-powered world.

This course shows what leaders need to do to improve organizational culture and build their AI innovation strategy.

What you will learn

How to foster an AI-ready culture
and set a strategic AI innovation agenda

Training course overview

  1. Being an AI-ready organization
  2. The AI tools for culture and strategy
  3. Harnessing the toolset

Learning outcomes

A curious team willing to experiment appropriately
The ability to build a strong AI strategy

Developed by

Brian Spisak, CrossKnowledge Faculty


  • Innovation
  • Lead with AI
  • Leadership Attitudes

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