Champion High-Impact AI Initiatives

Frame Your AI Thinking

Course time 45 min

Developed by: Kavita Annapoorani Ganesan

Available in: de-DE, en-US, fr-FR, nl-NL, pt-BR

Frame Your AI Thinking

The rise of AI is changing a lot about how businesses operate—but it has also produced a lot of hype and myths.

This course breaks down what you actually need to know about AI, its sub-fields, and implications for business problems so that you can take a measured approach to what it can and can’t offer in the present and future.

What you will learn

The range of AI technologies available to businesses, their potential opportunities, and the false promises to be wary of

What the rise of AI means for you

Training course overview

  1. AI and its subfields
  2. The popular business-world AI myths
  3. Frame your AI approach

Learning outcomes

A realistic understanding of AI
An ability to frame its possibilities for business uses

Developed by

Kavita Ganesan

Annapoorani Ganesan

  • Champion High-Impact AI Initiatives
  • Innovation

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