Lead in Uncertainty

Deal with Uncertainty

Course time 57 min

Available in: de-DE, en-US, fr-FR, nl-NL, pt-BR

Dealing with Uncertainty

Should we run headlong into the unknown or hang back?
Neither option is ideal; this course shows how, in an uncertain environment, we can fight paralysis and get into gear so that we make progress and learn along the way.

What you will learn

How to pursue values, knowledge,
and progress in situations of great uncertainty

Training course overview

  1. Act in uncertainty
  2. Explore key tools for dealing with uncertainty
  3. Harness the toolset

Learning outcomes

The capacity to unlock the possibilities inherent in uncertainty
Improved cognitive flexibility, adaptability, and scrappiness

Developed by

Nathan Furr: Innovation and technology strategy - CrossKnowledge Faculty


  • Digital Transformation
  • Innovation
Susannah Harmon Furr

Harmon Furr

  • Lead in Uncertainty

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