Master Hybrid Leadership

Cultivate collaboration, communication and cohesion in remote and hybrid teams

Master hybrid leadership

Hybrid teams can be just as performant as fully on-site teams but getting them there requires your managers to be fully equipped to lead them through change with agility and develop a strong sense of belonging.

Master Hybrid Leadership will equip them with the tools they need to reveal the full potential of their hybrid and remote teams, directly impacting how well everyone does their job, the quality of ideas they bring to the table, and how long they stay with the company.

This program benefits:

Lead from the middle - Junior Manager

Junior Managers

Lead from the Middle - Middle Managers

Middle Managers

Lead from the Middle - Project Leads

Project Managers

Learned skills and behaviors

Team Unification

Fostering trust and cohesion in diverse teams
for enhanced productivity.

Stress Management

Anticipating and combatting stressors to ensure
efficient hybrid work practices.

Strategic Optimization

Rethinking spaces and meeting dynamics
for productive collaboration.

Effective Onboarding

Hiring and integrating talents compatible
with hybrid team environments.

Organizational impact

Empower managers to develop essential leadership skills and mindset to:

Develop leadership and team-building skills to foster trust and cohesion among hybrid teams

Create productive hybrid and remote work environments where everyone can thrive

Master the hiring and onboarding processes tailored to the needs of a hybrid workforce

The program

3-week program – up to 15 learning hours

Targeted employee cohorts learn together in smaller groups of around 10
Facilitator-led, situational learning

Thought-leading content developed by

Lisette Sutherland

Lisette Sutherland is the director of Collaboration Superpowers, a company that helps remote and hybrid teams work together better, and hosts a podcast of the same name.
She has co-authored a book on this topic: Work Together Anywhere.

Curriculum and Modules

Key learning points and outcomes
Program kickoff
Program intro, learning goals, and expectations
Module 1
Unite: Build the trust and cohesion that drives
a hybrid team forward

Inspire trust and cohesiveness

Adapt our communication

Handle conflict

Maintain motivation in teams working at distances
Module 2
Optimize: Handle stressors, create productive environments, and meet effectively

Identify and deal with employees’ stressors

Rethink the work environment for hybrid

Meet effectively
Module 3
Grow: Hire for hybrid skills and onboard
for full integration

Identify hybrid work skills and how to screen for them

Implement onboarding that unites new hires with our teams so that they can succeed
Program Wrap Up
Program wrap up, impact

End of course survey

The CrossKnowledge advantage

Leading from the Middle - Outcome-designed


Engaging content activities developed
with renowned experts and delivered
in a proven learning design.

Leading from the Middle - Cohort-based


Your employees learn together with
their peers and within the context of
your organization.

Leading from the Middle - Facilitator-led


One-on-one guidance and virtual
sessions packed with purposeful
interaction and peer-to-peer learning.

Ignite collaborative

Kick-start change

Deliver impact

More Facilitated Programs

Build Psychological Safety - a Facilitated Upskilling Program

Build Psychological Safety

Unleash your Curiosity

Unleash your Curiosity

Elevate your Leadership

Elevate your Leadership

Leading from the middle

Lead from
the Middle

Building Team Connectivity

Build Cohesive Teams

Unlock Team Creativity

Make Effective Decisions

Make Effective Decisions