Lisette Sutherland is the director of Collaboration Superpowers, a company that helps people work better together remotely or on a hybrid basis.
She is a remote-working, German-born American living in the Netherlands who is totally jazzed by the fact that it’s possible to work from anywhere. Lisette has given presentations at a wide range of events, from conferences and Meetups all over the world to a TEDx talk in Kaunas, Lithuania.
Her Work Together Anywhere Workshop is designed to help organizations become remote-first or hybrid. Participants learn how to align, communicate, collaborate and have fun, wherever they are located.
She is the author of “Work Together Anywhere” (Wiley), the first complete guide to the best systems and practices for remote workers, managers and teams of any size. Her award-winning podcast, Collaboration Superpowers, features interviews with people and companies doing great things remotely. Her website “” highlights numerous experiments with remote working and has planted the seeds for many of the interviews for the “Stories Of Remote Teams Doing Great Things“.